Source : Grille

© Baptystes 2014

Code :

:!If GetCalc(Str1)->theta
:Return!If theta
:Goto AAA
:Lbl INI
:Lbl AAA
:Pause 100
:Pause 100
:Pause 100
:Pause 100
:Pause 100
:Pause 100
:Pause 100
:Text(5,56,"-> Baptystes"
:Pause 1000
:Lbl MEN
:Text(80,57,"V 1.0"
:Text(48,27,"Nb de parties"
:Repeat (getKey(9))
:If (B=5000)
:ElseIf (B=10000)
:ElseIf (B=15000)
:If (K=1) or (K=4)
:If (K=1)
:ElseIf (K=4)
:If (A=4)
:ElseIf (A=0)
:If (A=1)
:Goto GO
:ElseIf (A=2)
:Goto OPT
:ElseIf (A=3)
:Goto FIN
:Lbl OPT
:Repeat (K=9)
:If (K=1) or (K=4)
:Text(3,B," "
:B+(((K=1) and (B<30))*10)-(((K=4) and (B>20))*10)->B
:If (B=30)
:Goto MEN
:ElseIf (B=20)
:Output(1,1,"CONFIRMER ?"
:Output(3,6,"APPUIE SUR"
:Output(4,7,"1 OU 2"
:Repeat (K)
:If (K=26)
:Goto MEN
:Lbl GO
:Text(10,2,"Choisi le coin de départ"
:Text(6,10,"En appuyant sur 1,3,7 ou 9."
:If (K=36)
:ElseIf (K=20)
:ElseIf (K=34)
:ElseIf (K=18)
:Text(65,30,"ANNUL :"
:While 1
:If (A=4)
:ElseIf (A=5)
:If (Z>=3)
:If (Z>=C) and (Z<B)
:ElseIf (Z>=B) and (Z<A)
:ElseIf (Z>=A)
:Goto MEN
:Lbl PTS
:If ([r1]=1)
:Text(74,19," "
:ElseIf ([r1]=2)
:Text(74,19," "
:ElseIf ([r1]=3)
:Text(74,19," "
:Lbl A
:Repeat (A=1) or (A=4) or (A=5)
:If (K=36) and (E>=2) and (F>=2) and ({GDB1+((F-2)*10)+(E-2)}=0)
:ElseIf (K=28) and (F>=3) and ({GDB1+((F-3)*10)+E}=0)
:ElseIf (K=20) and (E<=7) and (F>=2) and ({GDB1+((F-2)*10)+(E+2)}=0)
:ElseIf (K=35) and (E>=3) and ({GDB1+(F*10)+(E-3)}=0)
:ElseIf (K=19) and (E<=6) and ({GDB1+(F*10)+(E+3)}=0)
:ElseIf (K=34) and (E>=2) and (F<=7) and ({GDB1+((F+2)*10)+(E-2)}=0)
:ElseIf (K=26) and (F<=6) and ({GDB1+((F+3)*10)+E}=0)
:ElseIf (K=18) and (E<=7) and (F<=7) and ({GDB1+((F+2)*10)+(E+2)}=0)
:ElseIf (K=27) and (L=0)
:ElseIf (K=15)
:If (A=1)
:Lbl REN
:Lbl KEY
:Repeat (K=18) or (K=20) or (K=34) or (K=36) or (((K=28) or (K=35) or (K=19) or (K=26) or (K=27)) and (A=2)) or ((K=15) and (A!=7))
:Lbl AFF
:Lbl AFB
:Lbl EFF
:Lbl GRI
:Lbl FIN
:Pause 200

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Abonne toi!